Wicca Fane Abbey is located in the Cerebral Zone, which is in the far west of the Twilight Zone, not to far from Virtual Reality. It is a Mental Monastery dedicated to the study of Pantheism, Atheism, Secularism, Communal-ism, (sometimes called communism
BrotherDog's Articles In Welcome
December 13, 2003 by BrotherDog
If I think it warrants a response I'll give you one, otherwise I'll ignore you or tell you how stupid you are. If I am lucky maybe you'll fall off of the edge of the world and I won't have to be bothered with you again Premise #1 Capitalism sucks. Why does it suck? It sucks because it allows a small number of people who are perhaps slightly more socially clever then a much larger group of people to exploit the larger group. The well off are parasites on the wallets and life energy of the ...