Wicca Fane Abbey is located in the Cerebral Zone, which is in the far west of the Twilight Zone, not to far from Virtual Reality. It is a Mental Monastery dedicated to the study of Pantheism, Atheism, Secularism, Communal-ism, (sometimes called communism
If you don't like what I have to say, well, tell me what you think.
Published on December 13, 2003 By BrotherDog In Welcome
If I think it warrants a response I'll give you one, otherwise I'll ignore you or tell you how stupid you are. If I am lucky maybe you'll fall off of the edge of the world and I won't have to be bothered with you again

Premise #1 Capitalism sucks. Why does it suck? It sucks because it allows a small number of people who are perhaps slightly more socially clever then a much larger group of people to exploit the larger group. The well off are parasites on the wallets and life energy of the poor. The capitalist practice the law of the most and least. The most amount of profit from the least amount of goods and services and the least amount of wages and benefits for the most amount of hard, hard, mental, and/or physical labor that they can coerce out of the worker. There's so much, much more to say on this subject. I'll come back to it one of these days and tell you why you're all so brainwashed.

Premise #2 People who believe in the supernatural and/or in god are just plain stupid or perhaps I should say Un-Sane. Nuff said!

Love, Peace, and Bright Blessings, BrotherDog

on Dec 13, 2003
You live in a capitalist society and have the right to do what you are doing now...stating your opinion however flawed it may be. Your ideas aren't economically sound, interesting, but not sound. And in this capialist society, you have the privilege to be just as impolite as you please, and as defensive as you please; of course it appears you don't care to participate in any kind of enlightening debate regarding your statements...oops! Have I said too much?? Oh, never mind, you don't have to bother with me again .